Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Happiness is for real!

And happiness out of satisfaction is just too good.
All these techniques for happiness, physical exercise, creativity, all that gives a hormone boost, makes you feel great.
But this kinda of happiness out of satisfaction of being noticed by people without being the attention seeker is something.
It is just yesterday, that this happened.
It is so good that Ishaan Dixit, found me to be good enough to be mentioned.
Good enough to be mentioned with the women stalwarts in the country. I feel so humbled and good about myself.

It felt good.
The years of struggle, working hard, not being the attention seeker, most of the times, allowing people to take credit most of the times, may a times ghost writing for people too. Moving around with my little one. Everyday struggle felt worthwhile. Felt good. I felt satisfied, that I could possibly make a mark (maybe very little).

Rather I thought, this would be something that would have made my mom proud of me. Wish she was here. That gave this satisfaction based happiness.

I am happy due to this and I want to openly say so. Unapologetic-ally. Touch wood.
Thanks Ishaan !